Multilingual Harpsichord Lexicon - RetroMagix Virtual Harpsichord VSTi Software




Multilingual Harpsichord Lexicon



The word "lexicon" derives from the Greek λεξικόν (lexicon), neuter of λεξικός (lexikos) meaning "of or for words".

Français   English   Deutsch   Italiano  
arc-boutant upper brace obere Gehäusestrebe barra superiore
barre d’accroche hitchpinrail Anhängeleiste corniche di attacco 8´
barre d’adresse nameboard batten Namensleiste listello superiore tastiera
barre de balancement balance rail Waagebalken barra di bilanciamento
barre de fond lower frame untere Gehäusestreben traversa del fondo
barre de table rib Rippe catena
bec plectrum Kiel plettro
béquille lid stick Deckelstock bacchetta coperchio
boudin 4´ hitchpinrail Vierfuß-Anhängeleiste supporto attacco punte 4´
caisse case Gehäuse cassa
chapiteau jackrail Prallleiste coperchio salterelli
charnière hinge Scharnier cerniera
chevalet bridge Steg ponticello
cheville d’accord tuning pin Stimmwirbel caviglie
clavecin harpsichord Cembalo clavicembalo
clavier keyboard Klaviatur tastiera
contre éclisse liner Resonanzboden-Auflageleisten controfascia
contresommier upper bellyrail Oberdamm controsomiere
corde string Saite corda
couvercle lid Deckel coperchio
diapason rack Kanzelle guida a rastrelliera
échine spine Rückwand oder lange Wand fascia dorsale
éclisse courbe bentside gebogene Wand fascia curva
épinette spinet Spinett spinetta
fond bottom Bodenteil fondo
gorge nameboard Namenswand tavola frontale
grande barre cutoff bar große Rippe grande catena diagonale
joue cheek Wange fascia corta
languette tongue Zunge bilancero
levier de registration stop lever Registerhebel leve comando registri
masse upper bellyrail Oberdamm controsomiere
peigne rack Kanzelle guida a rastrelliera
piétement stand Gestell cavalletto
plectre plectrum Kiel plettro
pointe tail Schwanzwand fascia caudale
pointe d’accroche hitchpin Aufhängestift punta di attacco
pointe de balancement balance pin Waagebalkenstift punta di bilanciamento
pointe de chevalet bridge pin Stegstift punta ponticello
pointe de sillet nut pin Stegstift punta capotasto
portillon fallboard Verschlußbrett coperchio frontale
pupitre music desk Notenpult leggío
queue tail Schwanzwand fascia caudale
rabat flap Deckelklappe coperchio a ribalta
registre register Register registro
sautereau jack Springer salterello
sillet nut Stimmstocksteg capotasto
sommier wrestplank Stimmstock somiere
table d’harmonie soundboard Resonanzboden tavola armonica
touche key Taste tasti
virginal virginal Virginal virginale


Lexicon source by permission of CBH:


Flemish (Dutch: Vlaams) is a popular informal term to refer to Belgian Dutch (Dutch: Belgisch-Nederlands) and is derived from the name of the County of Flanders (Historical region in the Low Countries), from Middle Dutch vlamisch, vlemesch.


Muselaar Muselaar        Flemish Virginals Flemish Virginals

Spinet Spinet           Clavicytherium Clavicytherium

  •  The virginal, spinet, and clavicytherium are all varieties of harpsichord that differ from it primarily in size, shape, and musical resources. Virginals and spinets usually have only a single set of strings and a single row of jacks. The clavicytherium is basically a harpsichord set upright so that its soundboard is vertical. 



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